Nintendo Tape Reviews

Review: My New Strip

This is my new comic strip which is featured here on my cool nintendo tapes review site. I need more content and remembered that I am a kick ass artist with deep thoughts.

the classic mario problem…..,,,,

this strip made me remember some dreams i had and how my wife was upset when i told her that in my dreams i am only pregnent mario and ONLY pregnatn mario!!! so it made me have sad memories. that is why i give my own comic strip 1 out of 10 stars. thank u for reading.

By Mr. NintendoTapes

This Review was written by Mr. NintendoTapes. It is certified accaurate.
All images included in this review are owned by their respective copyright holder. I do not work for any of the comapnies who own the proudcts featured on this site. (altho some of them felt like i should have been paid to play, ha ha)
so do not sue me. i dont like that.
"heres to us"