Nintendo Tape Reviews

Review: Ex-Girlfriend


Well guess what!!! I got hacked. That’s right a maliciouse hacker who is a ex-girlfriend of mine attacked this site!!! And I dont know what to do.

It is a new form (cyber crime) of old pain (break up) that I was not wanting to have experience with. So I am pretty upset and cyber cops are called!!!!!!!!!

Internet IP address will be found and hacker put in jail. I never wanted to review human tapes but now i have to thats why today’s review is



So when you date someone and fall in love it feels great and cool. Then you have to break up because you always do which is how love works. Love is stupid and worthless because it will always end like this even though in some movies (Untamed Heart) you are led to believe that it is nice. Even if Christian Slater dies at the end (spoiler) his girlfriend never broke up or hacked him at all. He just died from his heart or possible a baboon heart frankly the movie is fuzzy on that point, not sure if he had a human heart transplant or if the nuns were telling him the truth as a kid and it really was a baboon heart. Either way he was not hacked. And he died happy.

this is illegal even if someone u once dated does it. it dont matter even if u kissed b4.

So this is a short review and all i can really say about this tape is never play it because for one your gonna get youre heart broke (bad) then later your going to get youre review site hacked (bad more). and i can tell u that it hurts both times except the second time youre also scared AND heartbroke. So dont do it is my advice. keep your review sight and your heart safe from all exes. wether its a boy friend or a girlfriend or any kind of partner of any gender, all can break your heart i think. i never looked some of them up but all people can break hearts i am pretty sure. ill look on wikipedia later. sorry if that isnt the case.

you can cry to your friends if you need to but guess what they already listened to you cry about your exes already so now youre a broken record! might as well lay in bed and swallow it all down and breahte into a paper bag again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that is the end of this review!!! i give EX-GIRLFRIEND 10 JAILED HACKERS OUT OF TEN!!!!!


By Mr. NintendoTapes

This Review was written by Mr. NintendoTapes. It is certified accaurate.
All images included in this review are owned by their respective copyright holder. I do not work for any of the comapnies who own the proudcts featured on this site. (altho some of them felt like i should have been paid to play, ha ha)
so do not sue me. i dont like that.
"heres to us"