Nintendo Tape Reviews

Review: The Need for Speed

A$$es will be waxed in this race against the world’s most powerful bad boy of cars.

Humans love speed (all kinds). In the old days of arcade, you could race with Poll Position (good) or Outrun (better) or even Daytona, USA (best). But if you wanted to have a real, personal rival who would trash talk you and then later tell you how cool you’re being, then Track and Field Presents: The Need for Speed nintendo tape for the 3DO system is what you are after. What you need. That’s why its the name of the tape.

The 3DO video game system was one of the very first (maybe first, i dont’ know) consoles where the nintendo tapes started coming on DVD. It came out in 1994 and it cost like 700 bucks. I was too poor for it, but my friend Andy always had money for such things. He was a total gear head so when he saw you could get a The Need For Speed at home with arcade 3D graphics, he bought it right away. Well let me tell you, when he did that, my visits to his house increased A LOT.

He had Rebal Aussalt II (star wars tape), a sampler DVD that had part of a Mister Freeze batman cartoon episode (nice), and the best one, Field and Stream Presents: The Need for Speed tape. And’ys house had always ruled. Andy was fun to hang out with, and his parents were always so real nice to me. Nicer than anyone’s parents. His mom showed me “strawberry milk” for the first time when I was 14 (life changer) and his dad worked at Coke so they had a whole spare bedroom that was devoted to cases and cases of Coke branded pops.

Let me tell you, I drank every single one of the pops that coke made, I am pretty much a expert on it. All flavors. Also, every time I stayed the night, they brought us whatever fast food we wanted. Which was ALWAYS mcdonald or rallys! Best two. Me and Andy were total Rally dudes. “Big Buford” was my middle name (Because thats the name of the burger I got there, i got one of those and a rally burger and fries because eating a lot of good stuff makes the sadness go away till youre’ done.

this is the menu its confusing as hell and you select stuff with the shoulder buttons so it was weird. like you cant tell what any of that does in game you just have to try them. That sunglasses guy is your Rival in game, total bad ass and very xtreme which i liked.

So in 1994, Andy got that 3DO and when he handed me the controller and I hit the gas in my red car, I was addicted right away. I was always a big racing game kid on arcade. I hated the ones at home bc the graphics were not good enough in those olden days to make you really feel like you were going fast. And I love to feel like I am going fast. But not like Sonic the hedgehog he is too perferted now because of all the internet drawings I seen of him doing dirty stuff about feet and Bowsers’ feet. Yuck. I can’t even go back and play the one good sonic tape (1) anymore. All I can see is him wanting to live inside bowsers shoe.

So fast cars are for me. I dont’ know names of cars but “red one” was my favorite in that game. It could go totally fast, heh heh. You have to make sure you win or the tape will play a video of your rival trash talking you! When you win a race against him he makes you feel cool because he praises you in a bad boy way and it feels good to be praised bc no one ever does it to you in real life. Only in tapes. So that was awesome. He was like an extra friend for you to have.

realistic graphix still look perfect and real to this day. this tape was a head of its time!!!!

Be careful if you race in this game…there is a true satans army type enemy and I don’t mean the racing bad boy rival. There are actual COPS in this tape! And if they catch you they will pull you over and give you a ticket. Getting a ticked sucks and cops are always mean. They will tell you that you should stop shaking and looking like you’re going to cry, you just have an expired inspection sticker and its not a big deal and no, you’re over 18 so they dont have to tell your parents and no you dont’ have to go to prison. They get super annoyed with you when they pull you over because you can’t “get it together, for christ sake” and when they hand you your 80 dollar ticked and leave, it takes you ten minutes to calm down until you can drive to rally’s and get TWO big bufords because you know that one big buford and one rally burger are not going to get the job done so you need two double burgers to make the upset feelings go away. And where are you going to get 80 dollars when you lost your job at Pizza Shop because you started getting bored of it and they fired you for not showing up anymore?? Life is unfair and cops are the most unfair people on earth!!!!!!!!!!!!! Idiots.

this is the worst thing that can happen to you in the tape and in real life look how annoyed he is because you are crying. f&uck you cops!!!!!!!!!!!!

So in the end Andy and me played a lot of Track and Stream Presents: The Need for Speed and he was better because he was always a car guy. I was not that good at it so I had to get a lot of tickets and that always made me feel rotten but the lucky thing was Andys’ mom always gave me strawberry milk which helped. Awesome.

wax this ass he doesnt’ mind to much.

Thanks to this tape I did know what I was doing when I had a “drag race” with Ellis a few months later in the middle of the night (my parents got a new dodge monaco and he “wanted to see what it could do”) and I almost flipped my car and Leon my friend from quebec was riding with me and when the tires screeched he screamed a bunch of cuss words in french and that was cool. l I made him tell me what it meant after he calmed down. Now thanks to need for speed i know that tabernak is really bad word up there!! Cool.

So that is why I give Field and Ammo Presents: The Need for Speed a 7/10.

“what it can do” is almost flip when u cut the wheel to hard at 70 miles per hour.

Rest in Peace Brenan Baird.