Nintendo Tape Reviews

Review: Comix Zone

“Pack it in!” Remember that classic line. Comix Zone is the nintendo tape you want to play if you ever wandered what it is like to LEAP into the world of comix boox…literally! I hope you are a brave soul…you will need all the bravery you can MUSTAR to defeat this adult bad a$$es game! In this tape you have a awesome set of cool guy shorts with a red x on them. AND a pony tail and cool round glasses.

That is why todays’ review is Comix Zone nintendo tape for the Sega Gensesis.

every kid wanted to be exactly like Sketch Turner i dont care who you are it was universal. i still do.

This tape came out in 1995 and that was my first year as an adult man age of 18. It was a fresh start to make zero mistakes in my life because your slate gets wiped totally clean when you are 18. I blew it when my friend Aaron and me downloaded a hack from a phreaker zine BBS that taught us to steal from pepsi machines. It rocked but it made us evil.

Sketch Turner is the main character of Comix Zone and he looked like the baddest ass that ever lived back then. cool jacket with sleeves rolled up ( i still do that today a bad a$$ move, looks cool) a pony tail (i had one at 18 but now my hair fell out) little round sunglasses like Dwayne Wayne from A Differnt World (another hero of mine) cool combat boots, and black shorts with a red X on them AND the ultimate street combat bad a$$ clothes: fingerless black gloves!!!! So tough, hehe.

these glasses we could never afford at the eye doctor store but dreaming of them was still free

In the tape Comix Zone, you play as the ultimate badd a$$ name Sketch Turner. I don’t know if his birth name is sketch or if he chose it as a nickname because he grew up to be an artist but I do know its a cool freaking name and I have considered changing my name legally to Sketch Mr.Nintendo tapes on more than one occasion. I just always wanted to feel cool and admired and maybe that someone could think i was handsome and well Sketch Turner was all those things to all people. So I think it is a good goal! So Sketch is a comix artist and rocker living in new yourk with his pet rat. I dont remember its name. But the rat could help you with stuff in the game. And like any rocker, Sketch loves to drink pop. I always liked drinking the kind of pop that had extreme commercials like Zap! or Xtreme Blader Soda Pop etc. I was a big time skater of in line skates so i needed a lot of energy and attitude back then! It ruled!!!!!!! I could even ramp.

So when the Comix Zone tape starts, the evil villain of Sketch’s comic (Mortos) comes to life and transports him into his own comic world he created, so the bad guy can murder him and escape the comic and rule our world. The truly wicked part of this tape is that the levels are made out of comix boox pages! You go from one comic boox square to the next, while Bad Guy Mortus draws enemies for you to beat the sh!t out of while your pulse pounds to the rocking sound track. If you are young you may not know the 90s had bad a s s guitar music for everything! Even commercials about toy slime or pizza bagle things. That way you knew the products were good not like now where it is all tame and no attitude about anything. Nothing zooms in fast and shaky with a heavy metal guitar screech on TV anymore. Its sucks.

hey dude could you be my dad ha ha just kidding can i be you instead.

When you quantum leap into the comic you meat a woman named Alissa who explains to you that you are the chosen one and if you dont beat the ass off of Mortis then he is going to explode a nuke and escape into our real world or something. So then you go into the comix zone and begin whipping asses all over the place. Alissa pipes in with some advice letting you know if a box is suspicious or if you should use your rat. So you keep destroying the things you drew in your comic that have now turned against you! You go page to page until you fight the boss and move to the next episode which is dumb they should have called it issues. Because it is a comix book????? Not tv.

mortus wants to know if your hungry as you prepare to fight him and win back alissa.

Anyway alissa is captured as all girlfriends and women of the time were (kind of dumb every time there was a woman in a game or something they just got turned into a treasure for you to win, always happened over and over and seemed insulting if your a woman. idk.)
and you have to save her from drowning in a tube while you fight Mortus. If you can beat him in time and save her then you can be boyfriend and girlfriend in the real world. Your rat will come too and it says he gets a bunch of cheese and lives under your dirty socks. nasty.
If you kill Mortes but cant save her then the nuke explaodes and kills everything but you . Then you are depressed even though you won.

it is a perfect example of a playable comic book. so bad ass it was a dream come true.

Me and aaron were able to use the hack we learned in the PHREAKER internet zine to make over five bucks in quarters and got a few dozen free pops from the machine. It was cool because the machine we stole from was right beside the Chuck. E. Cheese and we used all our quarters to play arcade games. I played Time Pilot and never could get more than thirty seconds out of one quarter on it. it took us like an hour to steal all the money. The cops cant’t sue me over this. And Aarons girlfriend worked there so we even got a deal on a pizza >:)~

I begged to have glasses liek Dwayne Wayne for 4 years straight and never got them though. And I think that is why I got beat up and made fun of so much in school because no one would do that to dwayne wayne and if I could have just been him my life would have turned out nice. But I didnt.

So I give Comix Zone a 1/10.